The Royal Academy of Arts is an art institution located in the heart of London, in England. The Academy is based in Burlington House on Piccadilly near to the metro station Piccadilly and Green Park.
The Royal Academy of Arts was funded in 1768.The Royal Academy of Arts or RA is an independent and a privately funded institution. The main goal of the Academy is to promote the enjoyment and creation of the visual art through different exhibitions, activities and educational programs. The Royal Academy of Arts is not only a museum but it has an own school for art. The Royal Academy Schools was one of the first institution for art students in Britain which offers a three year long postgraduate art course and free tuition for all the students. The Royal Academy Schools is one of the most competitive art schools in Britain and it has trained some of the greatest artists of the country. The Royal Academy of Arts is not supported by the state and it only relies on the support of visitors, charity, donors and sponsors. The RA offers a wide selection of exhibitions to the visitors from the ancient sculptures to the modern day art works.