Are there any Organo Gold coffee bars in London?

I would like to drink tasty and healthy coffee while in London, and I have heard about Organo Gold coffee which has Ganoderma Lucidum infused into its filters and products. Are there any coffee bars in London where I can actually drink this sort of coffee, or is this only for online shopping?

Organo Gold in LondonThank you for asking. We are afraid that this question is a bit outside our field of expertise, so we do not actually know 100% that the answer we are about to give will be correct, but based on our research online it seems as if there are no actual coffee bars in London in which you can buy Organo Gold coffee, that is to sit down and drink a cup of coffee with Lucidum Ganoderma. In the same way it seems to us as if there are no place where you can actually drink the tea either, so the only way is to meet up with a local Organo Gold distributor and then they will probably offer you some. But, no public places seems to have Organo Gold products on the menu.

So, the best way is therefore probably to bring a filter or so with you and put it on a cup of hot water and enjoy it on your own, maybe in your hotel together with the breakfast or so! To get Organo Gold products at the best prices we can warmly recommend the following site which has instructions for how you can buy Organo Gold products at distributor prices, without really investing to much.

We are not sure if this was a good answer, but if you have any further insight or maybe know of a place in London where you can actually drink Organo Gold tea and coffee, then please write a comment, because we would love to know about it and let other readers of this article find out about it!